Basic Instructor Course -Train the Trainers-

duration 3 days                                                                                       

The Course is designed to enable course members to learn the skills neededto structure session plans, design handouts, present course material and assess students’ needs and abilities.

-                Role of the trainer

-                Presentations

-                Learning Styles - introduction

-                How people learn

-                Training cycle

-                Review session - Why review the subject?

-                What makes a successful presentation or session

-                Defining objectives

-                Material

-                Structure

-                Delivery

-                Preparation for your session

-                Introductions - first impressions

-                Feedback & review video

-                Selling & persuasion

-                Question types one and two way presentations

-                Handling difficult students

-                Visual aids and power point

-                Presentations / Review video feedback

Train the Trainers Refresher Course-

Refreshing the instructors on the above course content                                                                                     

Learning outcome

·      State the training role and responsibilities of each trainer

·      Write objectives for session plans

·      Structure and prepare their session and presentation to meet specific objectives

·      Select and design appropriate visual aids and power point

·      Using the video playback of their session reviewing their own performance

·      Give and receive motivational and developmental feedback to others in a controlled environment

·      Improve their presentation and delivery skills and make presentations confidently and effectively

·      Deliver a session with written objectives, structure and design within a given time